Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St. Patty's Day!

I've gotten to know an Irish volunteer who lives in the provincial town. And she had her friend from Ireland visiting last week. So when they said they were having an authentic St. Patty's Day party at their place last weekend, how could I resist?

I went to buy some beers for the party. Until then I didn't know that cases of Guiness were $26 a pop. I showed up with some Leo.

We couldn't really make any Irish food because of the foods available in the markets here. But we ate a lot of curry, drank a lot of Leo and Angkor, and then spent quite a while dancing Irish dances whose names I forget. It was great fun. I learned that I need to improve my whirling skills. I have a tendency to whirl my partner dangerously close to walls.

The only thing I was disappointed about was that Irish people don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day, and they don't pinch each other for failing to wear green. I mean, c'mon!!

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