Wednesday, September 23, 2009

at home in Cambodia

I've been hearing from people at home - with good reason - that it's time to update my blog. I moved to a new house at the end of July, and am no longer living with a host family. I also took a trip to Laos in the middle of September. But other than that I've mostly been at site, teaching a summer reading group, waiting for the school year to start back up, and getting used to living on my own in Cambodia. Here's some pics and descriptions!

1) my house!

2) living room / chill area: where I watch Khmer news and/or DVDs (the entire James Bond collection is $10 at Russian Market in PP)

3) some of the Khmer books I read/study on occasion

4) kitchen: a stove to boil water and cook; tupperware to keep the mice out of my food

5) bathroom: I have running water until 7pm. After that I get water from the big tanks. I also do laundry by hand in here a few mornings a week. There's ABATE in the tanks to kill mosquito larvae.

6) a mosquito coil to keep them away when I'm sitting in my house

7) bed with mosquito net (you see a theme here....?)

8) the side of my house where I wash dishes

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